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Beware of e-mails that redirect you to your eBox

E-mails informing you that you have an unread message in your eBox have been recently spreading. This message informs you that you are entitled to a refund from the FPS Finance.

Phishing attempt: fraudulent text messages on behalf of the FPS Finance are in circulation

The FPS Finance is sending out a warning for fraudulent text messages that have been circulating recently and in which the recipient is asked to pay off a so-called debt to the FPS Finance.

Phishing attempt: fraudulent text messages on behalf of the FPS Finance are in circulation

The FPS Finance is sending out a warning for fraudulent text messages that have been circulating recently and in which the recipient is asked to pay off a so-called debt to the FPS Finance.

Fraudulent emails ‘request for information’ in circulation - update

Please be aware! Fake emails on behalf of the FPS Finance are currently in circulation. (For the time being,) the emails concerned are in French and are entitled 'Demande de renseignements'.