Step 1: to log into Intervat
How to get access to Intervat?
There are several alternatives to log in:
- with a Belgian electronic identity card (eID) or an electronic card for foreigners issued in Belgium. You need your identity card, your PIN code as well as a card reader.
- with itsme® (if you have a Belgian electronic identity card)
Without electronic identity card
You do not have a Belgian eID or an electronic identity card for foreigners? You have the following options for logging in:
- You can log in via eIDAS with your own national (i.e. non-Belgian) electronic identification means recognised at European level.
You need a ‘BIS number’ to use eIDAS. You do not have a BIS number yet? If you reside in a country that has implemented eIDAS, you will be able to obtain a BIS number when you log in to eIDAS for the first time. More information to log in via eIDAS. - You can register by visiting a 'registration office'. Make an appointment with the “Population” department of the municipalities which have a local registration office to activate your digital keys.
- If you do not have either of those login options, you can request access to Intervat via 'ForReg'. Select the domain 'VAT/CORPORATE INCOME TAX' when you fill in the ForReg form. In 'Choice of context' choose 'on behalf of a company'. In 'Company registration number' indicate your Belgian enterprise number (as found in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises).
- You can log in via eIDAS with your own national (i.e. non-Belgian) electronic identification means recognised at European level.
In case of login problems
Belgian electronic identity card (eID) or an electronic card for foreigners
- How to log in with the eID or the electronic card for foreigners?
- Problem with installing the software?
- Forgotten or blocked PIN code?
- Other questions: contact us (« Questions techniques relatives aux applications informatiques » > « Accès eID »).
- Get started with itsme®.
- What if I have forgotten my itsme® code?
- You can log into your bank with itsme® but not into the e-services?
- Other questions: consult the itsme® website or contact the itsme® helpdesk.
- To find out if eIDAS is available in your country, go to the login screen of Intervat, Biztax, FinProf or Finelts and click on “Log in with an electronic identification means recognized at European level”.
- What do I need to log into eIDAS (for the first time)?
- Other questions: contact the competent authority of the country concerned.
Registration offices
You cannot manage to get access to Intervat