After logging into Intervat, go to the “Dashboard” tab.
You can submit your annual customer list:
- Either “by XML file”, which is advisable if you have an appropriate accounting software.
- Or “by screen”, if you do not have an appropriate accounting software.
You enter the data of customers list directly into Intervat. - Or “by Excel file”, if you wish to work offline and you do not have the appropriate accounting software.
You will not be able to choose this option if you submit annual customer lists for other enterprises as a proxy.
How to submit an annual standard customer list?
Per XML file
1. Loading file(s)
From the dashboard, you have the possibility to:
- submit a single file
- mass upload up to 20 files with 999 declarations in total, all types of declaration combined (except OSS).
Submitting a single file
Search or drag your file onto the screen.
You can also select the “Reload into screen” feature if your file contains only one annual customer list. In this case, follow the submission procedure mentioned on screen.
Submitting several files
First check the box “I want to submit several files”.
The page will automatically refresh so that you can upload several files.
Drag your files onto the screen or search for them on your computer.
Points to take into account:
- The total size of the 20 files cannot exceed 20 MB.
- There can be no Excel files or OSS declarations.
- Make sure that the same declaration is not found in several files.
- If you are a representative: all your data must be identical everywhere (to the decimal point) in all files to avoid all files being rejected.
2. Data validation
If an error message appears, check the possible causes of the error.
If your file does not comply, a new line appears in “My Submissions” with the "Rejected".
If your file does comply, a new line appears in “My Submissions” with the status “Validated”.
Click on
to continue with the submission of the customer list.
In the “Validation of the data entered” section, you should have no errors detected.
Click on “Next step”.
3. Signature
In the last section “Summary of data entered & agreement”, click on “Drawing and submission”.
4. Acknowledgement of receipt
When you come back to the “Dashboard” tab, you should have a new line with your customer list with the status “Success”.
You can download your acknowledgement of receipt by clicking on
Per screen
You must fill in the following fields:
- fields with an asterisk: they always have to be filled in.
- fields without an asterisk: they only have to be filled in if they concern your situation.
One word of advice: save the declaration regularly when entering it.
You can do this as soon as you get to enter the “Declaration data” by clicking on “Download of the entered data” in the bottom right-hand corner.
1. VAT number
In the tab “Dashboard”:
- Please enter the VAT number of the enterprise,
- Select “Client listing” in “Type of declaration”,
- Click on “Continue”.
2. General information
In the section “General information”:
- In the part “Declarant”, add your e-mail address and confirm it.
- In the part “period of the declaration”, mention the year.
Check the box "List for the current year in function of a discontinuation" to file your customer list for the current year only if you cease your activity.
- If you come under the tax exemption scheme, enter your turnover in the “Small business” section.
If you are subject to the scheme applying to agricultural products, you must tick in the “Farmer” section:
- either “I am a farmer and I am required to submit an annual intra-Community statement”.
- either “I am a farmer but I am not required to submit an annual intra-Community statement.
- If you are a proxy, please fill in the part related to that status.
If you do not have a VAT number or TIN (Customs number), select “Other” and use your national number.
- Click on “Next step” at the bottom of the page.
3. Declaration data
In the “Declaration data” section, add one line per customer. For each line, please mention:
- The VAT number
- The annual amount of transactions excluding VAT,
- The annual amount of VAT relating to these transactions (“0.00” is a correct amount).
For each amount, mention two decimals.
To add a line, click on
To delete a line, click on.
4. Attachments and comments
In the “Comment” section, you have the possibility to submit an attachment and/or a comment.
The size of the attachments is limited to 5.2 MB and the following file formats are accepted: PDF, TIFF and JPEG.
Click on
to add an attachment.
The size of comments is limited to 10,000 characters.
Click afterwards on “Next step”.
5. Data validation
In the “Validation of the data entered” section, you should have no errors detected.
If an error message appears, check the possible causes of error. If you do not correct the error that is blocking the submission, your customer list will appear with the status "Rejected".
Click on “Next step”.
6. Signature
In the last section “Summary of data entered & agreement”, click on “Drawing and submission”.
7. Acknowledgement of receipt
When you come back to the “Dashboard” tab, you should have a new line with your customer list with the status “Success”.
You can download your acknowledgement of receipt by clicking on
By Excel file
In Intervat, you can submit your annual customer list (and your intra-Community statement) via an Excel file.
You no longer need to manually enter long lists via the screens. You avoid thus the risk of losing data.
You must imperatively use our Excel file template.
1. Downloading the file
In the tab “Dashboard”:
- Download your file,
- Select “Client listing” in “Type of submission”,
- Click on “Continue” to go to the next stage.
You can also select the “Reload into screen” feature if your file contains only one customer list. In this case, follow the submission procedure mentioned on screen.
2. Data validation
If an error message appears, check the possible causes of the error.
If your file does not comply, a new line appears in “My Submissions” with the "Rejected".
If your file does comply, a new line appears in “My Submissions” with the status “Validated”.
Click on
to continue with the submission of the customer list.
In the “Validation of the data entered” section, you should have no errors detected.
Click on “Next step”.
3. Signature
In the last section “Summary of data entered & agreement”, click on “Drawing and submission”.
4. Acknowledgement of receipt
When you come back to the “Dashboard” tab, you should have a new line with your customer list with the status “Success”.
You can download your acknowledgement of receipt by clicking on
How to submit an annual “nihil” customer list?
By XML file
1. Loading file(s)
From the dashboard, you have the possibility to:
- submit a single file
- mass upload up to 20 files with 999 declarations in total, all types of declaration combined (except OSS).
Submitting a single file
Search or drag your file onto the screen.
You can also select the “Reload into screen” feature if your file contains only one annual customer list. In this case, follow the submission procedure mentioned on screen.
Submitting several files
First check the box “I want to submit several files”.
The page will automatically refresh so that you can upload several files.
Drag your files onto the screen or search for them on your computer.
Points to take into account:
- The total size of the 20 files cannot exceed 20 MB.
- There can be no Excel files or OSS declarations.
- Make sure that the same declaration is not found in several files.
- If you are a representative: all your data must be identical everywhere (to the decimal point) in all files to avoid all files being rejected.
2. Data validation
If an error message appears, check the possible causes of the error.
If your file does not comply, a new line appears in “My Submissions” with the "Rejected".
If your file does comply, a new line appears in “My Submissions” with the status “Validated”.
Click on
to continue with the submission of the customer list.
In the “Validation of the data entered” section, you should have no errors detected.
Click on “Next step”.
3. Signature
In the last section “Summary of data entered & agreement”, click on “Drawing and submission”.
4. Acknowledgement of receipt
When you come back to the “Dashboard” tab, you should have a new line with your customer list with the status “Success”.
You can download your acknowledgement of receipt by clicking on
By screen
You have two possibilities:
- either use the accelerated method described below.
(Except for those subject to the tax exemption scheme who are obliged to go through all the steps to file their annual “nihil” customer list). - or go through all the steps of submitting a standard annual customer list.
1. VAT number
In the tab “Dashboard”:
- Please enter the VAT number of the enterprise,
- Select “Client listing” in “Type of declaration”,
- Tick the box “I want to carry out a nihil declaration”.
- Mention the relevant year,
- Tick the box "List for the current year based on a cessation" to file your customer list for the current year only if you cease your activity.
- If you come under the tax exemption scheme, enter your turnover (with two decimals).
- Click on “Continue”.
2. Data validation
If you do not obtain an error message, a new line appears in “My Submissions” with the status “Validated”.
If an error message appears, check the possible causes of the error. If you do not correct the error blocking the submission, your customer list will appear with the status "Rejected".
Click on
to continue with the submission of the customer list.
In the “Validation of the data entered” section, you should have no errors detected.
Click on “Next step”.
3. Signature
In the last section “Summary of data entered & agreement”, click on “Drawing and submission”.
4. Acknowledgement of receipt
When you come back to the “Dashboard” tab, you should have a new line with your customer list with the status “Success”.
You can download your acknowledgement of receipt by clicking on
- either use the accelerated method described below.
Via the periodic return
This option allows persons who have to submit a periodic return to submit a "nihil" annual customer list by ticking the appropriate box in their periodic declaration for the last period of the calendar year.
We will also take into consideration the boxes ticked in the VAT periodical declarations relating to the first three months or the first quarter of the following year to which the customer list relates.
In the VAT return
In the “Declaration data” section, tick the box “No customers to include in the customer list”.
Once you have submitted your declaration, your customer list will automatically be considered as a “nihil” annual customer list.
What to check in case of an error message when submitting an annual customer list?
Per XML file
The XSD schema and the tags
Check whether your XML file includes the correct XSD schema.
Blank tags are not authorised. You have therefore to fill in each tag you mention.
The name of your file
Do not use accented or special characters such as : é, è, ç, ù, ë, É, È, &, $, *, <,>, +, | , /, \, « , », « ; »...
If you are using a compressed file (.VAT), the name of the attached file must be the same in the file description and in the XML.
The format of numbers
Each number must have two decimal places after the decimal point (e.g. “123.40”,“456.00”)
The format of e-mail addresses
Check that a comma has not been used instead of a full stop in e-mail addresses. (When using the numeric keypad, this is a common error that gives a comma instead of a full stop).
Mentioning the period of time
You must enter the year for which you’re submitting your annual customer list.
One line per customer
Add the amounts of the invoices sent to a single customer on a line. Your annual customer list must contain a single line (and therefore a single amount) per customer.
The nationality of the customer
Please check that all customers mentioned are Belgian persons liable to pay tax.
The foreign persons liable to pay VAT in the EU must be mentioned in an intra-Community statement.
Persons liable to pay tax subject to tax exemption scheme
You are required to mention your turnover.
Copy and paste
Please avoid the copy and paste. It can result in several errors in Intervat.
Per screen
The format of numbers
Is there a space before or after the amount?
Did you mention the two decimals?
Mentioning all necessary information
If you do not mention all necessary information (confirming your e-mail, year,..) you cannot get access to the following section.
The following error message appears if you haven’t ticked one of the following boxes:
- either “I am a farmer and I am required to submit an annual intra-Community statement”
- or “I am a farmer but I am not required to submit an annual intra-Community statement”
Persons liable to pay tax subject to tax exemption scheme
The following error message appears if you haven’t mentioned any turnover.
By Excel file
Excel file template
Use only the file model set up.
Do not change its layout in order to keep the format of the cells, the existing drop-down menus and some integrated error messages.
- “Turnover excluding VAT” and “VAT amount” are in “Number” format.
- Other cells are in “Text” format.
The fields to be filled in
Please fill in only the blank fields. The grey fields are protected and automatically filled in.
Fill in the field "List for the current year based on a cessation" to file your customer list for the current year only if you cease your activity.
You do not have to fill in the field "Farmer: intra-Community statement" if you are not concerned.
If you are subject to the tax exemption scheme (= small business), you must mention your turnover.
One line per customer
Please add the amounts of invoices sent to a single customer on the same line. Your annual customer list must contain only one line and therefore one amount per client.
The nationality of the customer
Please check that all customers mentioned are Belgian persons liable to pay tax.
The foreign persons liable to pay VAT in the EU must be mentioned in an intra-Community statement.
VAT amount
You always have to mention a VAT amount. If that amount is nihil, you have to mention “0.00”.
VAT number
Indicate only the VAT number (10 figures, “0” included) without the country code.
The format of e-mail addresses
Check that a comma has not been used instead of a full stop in e-mail addresses. (When using the numeric keypad, this is a common error that gives a comma instead of a full stop).
Mentioning the period of time
You must enter the year for which you’re submitting your annual customer list.
Characters in the name and content of the file
Do not use accented or special characters such as : é, è, ç, ù, ë, É, È, &, $, *, <,>, +, | , /, \, « , », « ; »...
Format of numbers and amounts
Each number must have two decimal places after the decimal point (e.g. “123.40”,“456.00”)
Please check that the amounts contain no full stop or currency sign (for instance: “1500”)
Formulas and links
Please check that your file does not contain any formula or link to other spreadsheets.
Copy and paste
Please avoid the copy and paste. It can result in several errors in Intervat.