Once logged into “OSS - EU e-commerce” in Intervat:
- go to the “Dashboard” tab
- click on “Return”
You can submit your return in the Import scheme (IM):
- either “by file” (XML), which is advisable if you have an appropriate accounting software.
You send via Intervat a XML file containing the data of the return. - or “by screen”, if you do not have an appropriate accounting software.
You enter the data of the return directly into Intervat. - or via the “Acting as intermediary” module (to submit a standard return)
How to submit a standard return in the Import scheme (IM)?
By XML file
1. Downloading the file
In the “Declaration by file” screen:
- download your file
- click on “Continue”
You can also select the “Reload into the screen” feature if your file contains only one OSS return. In this case, follow the submission by screen procedure.
2. Data validation
f your file does not comply, a new line appears in “My Declarations” with the status “Rejected”.
If you are unable to correct the errors in the file, send an e-mail to oss@minfin.fed.be with a copy of the file.
If your file does not contain any errors, a new line appears in “My Declarations” with the status “Valid”.
Click on to continue with the submission of the return.
In the “Validation of the data” section, you should have no errors detected.
Click on“Next step”.
3. Signature
In the last section “Summary of data entered & agreement”, click on “Signing and submission”.
4. Acknowledgement of receipt
When you come back to the “Dashboard”, under “My Declarations”, you should have a new line with your OSS return with the status “Success”.
You can download your acknowledgement of receipt by clicking on.
By screen
You have to fill in the following fields:
- fields with an asterisk: they always have to be filled in.
- fields without an asterisk: they only have to be filled in if they concern your situation.
A word of advice: save the return regularly when entering it.
You can do this as soon as you get to enter the “Declaration data” by clicking on “Download the data entered” in the bottom right-hand corner.
1. Choice of scheme
In the “Return” screen of the dashboard:
- select “Import scheme (IM)” as choice of scheme
- enter the identification number of the enterprise
- click on “Continue”
2. Period of the return
Select the month and year of the return.
Click on “Next step”.
3. Return of goods
In “Return”, you must:
- select “Goods” as “Type of return”
- select the starting point of the return (“From”):
- select the relevant Member State of consumption (“To”)
- indicate the amount excl. VAT
- modify if necessary, the different VAT rates of the Member State of consumption pre-filled in a drop-down menu
- change the automatically calculated VAT amount if it is incorrect
Click on to add a return.
Click onto delete one. -
In “Corrections” you can also correct a return from a previous period.
Click on to add a corrected return.You must indicate:
> the month of the corrected return
> the year of the corrected return
> the relevant Member State of consumption
> the corrected VAT amount which will be added to the amount initially enteredThe initial VAT amount to be corrected is automatically pre-filled and cannot be changed.
You have submitted a return for July 2021 for Austria for an amount of EUR 200. The correct amount was EUR 100.
You must then enter a correction for the difference between the initial amount and the corrected amount.
For example, when submitting the return for August 2021, you must enter the amount of EUR -100 in “Corrections”.
4. Data validation
In the “Validation of the data” section, you should have no errors detected.
If an error message appears, your return will appear with the status "Rejected".
If you are unable to correct the error that is blocking the submission, send an e-mail to oss@minfin.fed.be.
Click on "Next step".
5. Signature
In the last section “Summary of data entered & agreement”, click on “Signing and submission”.
6. Acknowledgement of receipt
When you come back to the “Dashboard” tab, you should have a new line with your OSS return with the status “Success”.
You can download your acknowledgement of receipt by clicking on.
Via the “Acting as intermediary” module
It is also possible to submit a standard return in the Import scheme (IM) via the “Acting as intermediary” module.
In the “Acting as intermediary” tab, enter your intermediary ID and click on “Search”.
Click on “View my taxable persons”.
For the selected taxable person, click on “Possible actions” and then on “Declaration submission”.
Enter the return following the standard procedure for submitting a standard return in the Import scheme (IM).
How to submit a “nil” return in the Import scheme (IM)?
By XML file
1. Downloading the file
In the “Declaration by file” screen:
- download your file
- click on “Continue”
You can also select the “Reload into the screen” feature if your file contains only one OSS return. In this case, follow the submission by screen procedure.
2. Data validation
f your file does not comply, a new line appears in “My Declarations” with the status “Rejected”.
If you are unable to correct the errors in the file, send an e-mail to oss@minfin.fed.be with a copy of the file.
If your file does not contain any errors, a new line appears in “My Declarations” with the status “Valid”.
Click on to continue with the submission of the return.
In the “Validation of the data” section, you should have no errors detected.
Click on“Next step”.
3. Signature
In the last section “Summary of data entered & agreement”, click on “Signing and submission”.
4. Acknowledgement of receipt
When you come back to the “Dashboard”, under “My Declarations”, you should have a new line with your OSS return with the status “Success”.
You can download your acknowledgement of receipt by clicking on.
By screen
1. Choice of scheme
In the “Return” screen of the dashboard:
- select “Import scheme (IM)” as choice of scheme
- enter the VAT identification number of the enterprise
- tick the box “I want to submit a nil return for the period covered”
- indicate the month and year concerned
- click on “Continue”
2. Data validation
If you do not obtain an error message, a new line appears in “My Declarations” with the status “Valid”.
If an error message appears, your return will appear with the status “Rejected”.
If you are unable to correct the error that is blocking the submission, send an e-mail to oss@minfin.fed.be.
Click on to continue submitting the return.
In the “Validation of the data” section, you should have no errors detected.
Click on “Next step”.
3. Signature
In the last section “Summary of data entered & agreement”, click on “Signing and submission”.
4. Acknowledgement of receipt
When you come back to the “Dashboard”, under “My Declarations”, you should have a new line with your OSS return with the status “Success”.
You can download your acknowledgement of receipt by clicking on.