As a payment service provider under the European directive (EU) 2020/284, you are under obligation to submit information on cross-border payment to the FPS Finances. This data must be transmitted via an XML file through our CESOP platform.
As of the 1st of April 2024, you can access our CESOP platform and submit your XML files without any prior registration.
We encourage you to include the validation module of the European Commission into your XML generation process.
Do not hesitate to use the test platform to try to submit CESOP files.
Submission of files
All fields indicated with an asterisk are mandatory. You can only attach an XML file once all fields are completed.
You can only send one XML file at a time. It must be within the maximum size limit of 1Go and in accordance with the XSD Schema Definition delivered by the European Commission.
A message indicates the success or failure of the submission (the technical issue is listed in case of failure).
In case of multiple XML files follow this procedure. After the first upload, just click on the button and upload the next one. The mandatory fields will stay completed.
After the submission, you will receive an e-mail containing:
- the validation or rejection of your file by the European Commission.
- the unique reference number (MessageRefId) of your submitted file. You will need this number to search and consult your file after the upload.
- an XML file listing the error case when the file has been rejected.
Consultation of a file
Through CESOP, you can search for a file previously uploaded and:
- check the available information of the file
- in case of rejection (by our national or the European Commission system), download an XML file containing an error list. You can download the XML file by clicking on the button.
Process in case of rejection of the uploaded file
Check the error list and consult the most up to date XSD user guide of the European Commission. This guide describes numerous error cases and their correction process.
Correction of a validated file
If you desire to change or add information to an already validated file by the European Commission, check the most up to date XSD user guide of the European Commission. This guide contains numerous correction examples.