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Accessibility statement

The FPS Finance aims to make its website accessible, in accordance with the law of 19 July 2018 transposing European directive (EU) 2016/2102 on the accessibility of public authorities’ websites and mobile applications.

This accessibility statement applies to

Status of compliance

Our website partially meets the accessibility requirements as described in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 level AA. Not all requirements are met.

Non-accessible content

The content below is inaccessible for the following reason(s):

Not all documents on our website are as easily accessible.

At the beginning of 2018, the website was audited by the non-profit organisation Anysurfer. All adjustments were made to the extent possible. In addition, the FPS Policy and Support, which is in charge of the technical management of the website, also made a number of accessibility adjustments.

Excessive workload

Due to the size of the website, checking each document would take an excessive amount of time. The server also contains many outdated documents that cannot possibly all be checked. Over the next few years, the FPS Finance will be working on a new website that will meet accessibility requirements from the design phase onwards.

Drafting of this accessibility statement

This accessibility statement

  • was drawn up on 19/08/2020
  • was drawn up by the web team of the FPS Finance
  • was last updated on 19/08/2020

Feedback and contact details

Do you have questions or comments about the accessibility of our website?

Enforcement procedure

Are you not entirely satisfied with the answer you received from the FPS Finance? Please contact the Federal Ombudsman:

Federal ombudsman
Leuvenseweg 48 PO box 6
1000 Brussels


Website:  Federal Ombudsman