With the ET 14000 license (PDF, 116.9 KB), the payment of the VAT at import is shifted to the periodic VAT return. This means that you do not have to pre-finance VAT at customs when goods are imported.
We advise you NOT to open this file via your web browser, instead you should download this file and open it via Adobe Reader, in order to avoid issues.
Formulaire de demande représentant global (PDF, 147.77 KB)
Formulaire de demande assujetti individuel (PDF, 73.33 KB)
Aanvraagformulier globaal vertegenwoordiger (PDF, 98.02 KB)
Aanvraagformulier individueel belastingplichtige (PDF, 54.5 KB)
Antragsformular für einen globalen Vertreter (D) (PDF, 153.19 KB)
Antragsformular einzelner Steuerzahler (D) (PDF, 54.88 KB)
ET14000 forms by e-mail
Due to the exceptional context of the coronavirus, the forms must only be sent by e-mail to: et14000@minfin.fed.be.