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This quality improvement process, planned over a 10-year period (2014-2024), is being implemented internally at the GAPD (General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation). It consists of repositioning the data of the cadastral parcel map (per parcel block) based on information from regional reference files (PICC and Orthophoto), among other things. The entire region should have been dealt with by early 2025.
You can find the planning for the different municipalities at Carte_Planning_NMAW (PDF, 3.53 MB).
Starting from the tax situation 01.01.2021, the quality improvement process will be finished by integrating the geometric representation in 2D of buildings (as determined by the regions) into the cadastral parcel map.
The final result of this project is one (improved) parcel map with, for each cadastral parcel, an approximate vectorial representation of location and shape, usable in a scale range of 1/250 - 1/5000. The aim is a geometric accuracy of parcel boundaries in line with the European INSPIRE recommendations, being 1 metre in urban areas and 2.5 metres in rural areas. It is important to stress that the parcel geometry in this map is not a substitute for the legal surveyor and demarcation plans.
As soon as the GAPD has incorporated the dataset of the Walloon Region (PICC), the representation of the buildings on the cadastral parcel map will be replaced by the geometric representation in 2D of the buildings as determined by the regions.