The statistical datasets of the General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation correspond to datasets describing real estate located in Belgium.
All these datasets are freely downloadable as zipped CSVs:
Download a statistical dataset
Real estate leases
'Real estate leases' corresponds to the dataset describing leases of real property as recorded by FPS Finance for registration purposes.
More info on the dataset ‘Real estate leases’.
Real estate transactions
'Real estate transactions' corresponds to the dataset describing transactions of real rights on real estate property such as recorded by the FPS Finance for registration purposes.
More info on the dataset ‘Real estate transactions’.
Parcels exempt from withholding tax on immovable property
'Parcels exempt from withholding tax on immovable property' corresponds to the dataset describing the parcels exempted from withholding tax on immovable property.
Land use
'Land use' corresponds to the dataset describing the land register nature of the parcels such as recorded by the FPS Finance for tax purposes.
More info on the dataset ‘Characteristics of the cadastral parcels – Land use’.
Condition of the building
'Condition of the building' corresponds to the dataset describing the physical characteristics of the built-on parcels such as recorded by the FPS Finance for tax purposes.
More info on the dataset ‘Characteristics of the cadastral parcels – Condition of the building’.
Real rights of natural persons
'Real rights of natural persons' corresponds to the dataset describing the natural persons holding real rights on the parcels such as recorded by the FPS Finance for registration purposes.
More info on the dataset ‘Characteristics of cadastral parcels – Rights of natural persons’.
Real rights of legal entities
'Real rights of legal entities' corresponds to the dataset describing the legal entities holding real rights on real estate property such as recorded by the FPS Finance for registration purposes.
More info on the dataset ‘Characteristics of cadastral parcels – Rights of legal persons’.
Concentration of the cadastral income
'Concentration of the cadastral income' corresponds to the dataset measuring the concentration of cadastral income for parcels of a housing-like type.
Rights of real estate companies
'Rights of real estate companies' corresponds to the dataset describing the legal persons holding real rights on the parcels such as recorded by the FPS Finance for registration purposes.
Distribution of real estate assets - legal persons
Distribution of real estate assets - Legal persons corresponds to the dataset relating to the distribution of real estate assets owned by legal entities such as recorded by the FPS Finance for tax purposes.
More info on the dataset 'Distribution of real estate assets - legal persons'.
Distribution of real estate assets - natural persons
Distribution of real estate assets - Natural persons corresponds to the dataset relating to the distribution of real estate assets owned by natural persons such as recorded by the FPS Finance for tax purposes.
More info on the dataset 'Distribution of real estate assets - natural persons'.
Distribution of real estate assets - real estate companies
Distribution of real estate assets - real estate companies corresponds to the dataset relating to the distribution of real estate assets owned by legal entities such as recorded by the FPS Finance for tax purposes.
More info on the dataset 'Distribution of real estate assets - real estate companies'.
Owner occupants
Owner occupants corresponds to the dataset relating to persons domiciled in a property over which they, or a member of their family, exercise a right in rem such as recorded by the FPS Finance for registration purposes.
More info on the dataset 'Owner occupants'.
Mapping plan parcel - statistical sector
Mapping plan parcel - statistical sector corresponds to the dataset associating a plan parcel such as defined in article 2 of the Royal Decree of July 30th 2018 with the statistical sector including it.
More info on the dataset 'Mapping plan parcel - statistical sector'.