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Cadastral records

The FPS Finance has a wide range of patrimonial information. Part of that information can be found in MyMinfin or you can apply for it, for example, by means of a cadastral extract. For a number of professional partners, certain information is also available through their own platforms, such as KadasterFinder for real estate agents, or eNotariat for civil-law notaries.

Our archives also contain cadastral records with patrimonial information not available through other channels:

You can apply for those records via an application form. Our staff will scan the records and they will then be sent to you via MyMinfin.

In theory, the cadastral records are only available to the owners of the parcels. If you are a third party applying for the documents, you must provide proof that you are working on behalf of the owner, that you have a mandate from the owner or that you are entitled to that information in accordance with the law (available in Dutch | French) (e.g. for research as a historian). Archive records older than 100 years are available for free application.

Part of our archives has been transferred to the State Archives of Belgium. If that is the case for the records you are applying for, we shall direct you to this institution.

  • How do I apply for a cadastral record?

    1. Fill out the form ‘Application for information and/or copies of documents from the Patrimonial Documentation archives’:
    2. If applicable, attach the necessary supporting documents (e.g. power of attorney or representation). If you need to add a power of attorney, you should use the document ‘Power of attorney to apply for cadastral records’ (available in  Dutch (DOCX, 142.38 KB) |  French (DOCX, 141.53 KB) |  German (DOCX, 236.73 KB)).
    3. Send everything to

    More information on the records you can apply for.

  • What records can I apply for?

    Use the ‘Application for information and/or copies of documents from the Patrimonial Documentation archives’ for the following records:

    • Original indicative table / primitive parcel (document 208)
      This is the very first listing of parcels with the owners and parcel details, drawn up at the start of the land registry in the 1830s.
    • Cadastral ledger (document 212)
      This is the representation, for a single cadastral division, of the parcels with the owners and parcel details, applicable for one particular period or tax situation. In the context of archives, this is obviously not about the current tax situation (which is the situation on 1 January of the current year) or the most recent situation in the documentation.
    • Summary of deeds (annotated documents 219 and 60/219)
      This is the summary of a deed or property transfer, including the date, the author, the contracting parties, the property involved and the price.
    • Mutation sheet (document 223)
      This is the textual representation of changes or mutations to parcels, their details and owners, each time showing the old state (before modification) on the left and the new state (after modification) on the right. The mutation sheet is not to be confused with the mutation sketch, which is a graphic representation (a map). More information on how to apply for a mutation sketch can be found below under ‘Cadastral extracts’.

    A different procedure applies to cadastral extracts, demarcation maps and cadastral declarations 43B. You can apply for these as follows.

    Cadastral extracts

    You apply for a cadastral extract via MyMinfin or via the form ‘Application to obtain extracts from the cadastral documentation’. All information can be found in the section ‘Cadastral extract’ (Dutch | French | German).

    A cadastral extract is used to request the following information:

    • extract from owner details (current situation only)
    • extract from cadastral parcel details (current situation only)
    • valuation sheet
    • mutation sketch
    • history of a cadastral map or patrimony parcel based on mutation sketches
    • list of coordinates of a land consolidation

    Remark: surveyor-experts have direct access to the mutation sketches in MyMinfin (Dutch | French). Is the mutation sketch not available digitally? Please contact the department of Contentious Matters and Information of the Surveys and Valuations Administration.

    Demarcation maps

    The demarcation maps are available to surveyor-experts and civil-law notaries.

    You are a surveyor-expert

    You can find the demarcation maps in MyMinfin (Dutch | French).

    You are a civil-law notary

    You can find the demarcation maps via eNotariat (Dutch | French).

    Is the demarcation map not available digitally? Please contact the department of Contentious Matters and Information of the Surveys and Valuations Administration.

    Cadastral declaration 43B

    Please contact the department of Contentious Matters and Information of the Surveys and Valuations Administration to apply for a submitted cadastral declaration 43B (Dutch | French | German).

    Remark: only as a current owner or their mandatary can you apply for a declaration 43B.

  • What is charged for the application?

    The application and delivery of records is free of charge.

    Remark: a different procedure applies to records covered by cadastral extracts. Those applications are charged in certain cases. All information can be found in the section ‘Cadastral extract’ (Dutch | French | German).

  • When will I receive the records?

    Delivery can take up to 6-7 weeks, depending on the scope of the application.

    This period is necessary for our services to:

    • analyse the application from a legal and privacy perspective
    • carry out searches and scan the documents
    • mask any non-pertinent data

    A longer period may be required for very large applications.

  • How will I receive the records?

    You will receive the records digitally via MyMinfin. You will find them in the ‘My Documents’ tab under the ‘Patrimony Information’ category.

    Remark: if the application is in the name of a legal entity, the file administrator of your organisation must have the role ‘FPS Fin Appointment Own Company’ (with the property Patrimonial Information) in order to access the documents in MyMinfin.

    More information on role assignments (Dutch | French).

  • Where can I find an answer to other questions?

    Ask your question via