FAQ hallmarking legislation for works in precious metals
Should you have any questions about the hallmarking legislation for works in precious metals, please read our specificFAQs about the hallmarking legislation (PDF, 252.28 KB).
Where and how can I buy commemorative coins?
In 2018 the public procurement contract for the minting and exploitation rights of coins was awarded to the Royal Dutch Mint. In 2022, they have been awarded this contract for an additional four-year period. This means that it is the Royal Dutch Mint that will produce the circulation coins and commemorative coins for Belgium, by order and under the supervision of the Royal Mint of Belgium (RMB). However, designer Iris Bruijns (of the Royal Mint of Belgium) will continue to create the design of the commemorative coins. The Belgian King remains the legal issuer of the coins.
You can contact the Royal Dutch Mint in Belgium at klantendienst@herdenkingsmunten.be or at www.herdenkingsmunten.be, where you can find more information about the new commemorative coins on offer. You can also order them online.
The Royal Mint of Belgium has started to sell its remaining stock of commercial products through Finshop. Coins will regularly be on offer at the following link.
Is there an availability of €2 commemorative coin rolls?
In the last few years it has been impossible to get commemorative coins at bank counters or at the National Bank of Belgium. New €2 commemorative coin rolls are no longer produced. For some time now they have only been on offer in coincards for collectors.
Where and how can I buy circulation coin rolls (of a specific year)?
You can buy coin rolls at your bank or at the counters of the National Bank of Belgium (avenue de Berlaimont 3, 1000 Brussels). However, we cannot guarantee that you will receive coin rolls of this year, since rolls are also issued with coins that have come back from the market and have been repacked for circulation. As a result, the rolls may not only contain Belgian coins, but also foreign coins, and the year on the coins will be different.
Why are €2 commemorative coins more expensive than in other countries (such as Luxembourg)?
When our country issues 2 euro commemorative coins, it may be decided to put part of them into circulation. In that case, these coins will be put into circulation together with the regular 2 euro circulation coins, in the same way as applies to all circulation coins and thus depending on the need for the coins at that time. In this way, we hope to distribute these 2 euro coins in our country in a wide and proportional range.
However, the 2 euro commemorative coins will also always be offered for sale on our commercial website. Compared to the 2 euro coins put into circulation, these coins feature an enhanced 'FDC or Proof' quality and can also be purchased in customised packaging (coincard or case). These coins are also legal tender in the entire euro area. Their design has been approved at a European level and adequate royal decrees have been issued as a legal basis for these coins.
The special packaging and limited issuing have turned these coins into collector’s items for which a surcharge is applied. However, Belgium is not the only country to supply this kind of products in coincards or to sell 2 euro coins at a price above their face value.
Since 2018, Belgian commemorative coins have been commercialized by the Royal Dutch Mint, which was awarded the public procurement contract for coin mintage and exploitation rights. This means that they produce circulation coins and commemorative coins for Belgium, by order and under the supervision of the Royal Mint of Belgium, and also sell the latter type of coins. Since the commercialization is entirely in the hands of the Royal Dutch Mint, they are free to set the selling price. The Royal Mint of Belgium has no impact on the price setting. However, RMB will continue to be in charge of the theme and designs, which are created by Iris Bruijns since 2022, after she took over as designer from Luc Luycx.
What about Belgian €2 commemorative coins that are not packed in rolls?
The Royal Mint of Belgium (RMB) regularly hears from coin collectors or other members of the public that they have come across coins packed in official rolls, whereas the coins have not been produced in official Belgian rolls. These coin rolls are often put up for sale at prices far above their face value.
The following table (PDF, 2.11 MB) shows all 2 euro coins issued by the RMB for which no coin rolls have been produced.
If you should come across rolls containing coins shown in the table below, the RMB emphasizes that these coins have not been packed on its premises. In that case, the RMB will not be able to confirm that the coin rolls contain 25 similar commemorative coins.
Royal Mint of Belgium
The best way to get in touch with the Royal Mint of Belgium is to write an e-mail to klantenmunt.clientsmonnaie@minfin.fed.be .
If necessary, you can also call the Royal Mint of Belgium at the following number: 02 572 57 57.Address: Handelsstraat 96, 1040 Brussels (general affairs)
de Berlaimontlaan 14 , 1000 Brussels (laboratory)ASSAY OFFICE
For issues dealt with by the Assay Office (analysis of precious metals, stamp marks, registration of traders and manufacturers in the precious metals sector), please send an e-mail to waarborgkantoor.officedegarantie@minfin.fed.be
If necessary, you can call the Assay Office at the following number: 02 572 57 57.
Royal Dutch Mint