Documentatieblad - Bulletin de Documentation
Where does the Bulletin de Documentation – Documentatieblad (Bulletin of Documentation) stand for ?
The Bulletin of Documentation was a quarterly publication intended initially for the civil servants of the finance department, but was later on more widely distributed. The last issue was published in 2015.
- Current economic and financial events;
- Scientific publications in the field of the professional specialities of the FPS Finance civil servants of the finance department;
- Results of studies and personal research in the professional and scientific domain;
- Opinions and reports of the High Council of Finance.
The Bulletin of Documentation wants to raise reactions as well as a dialogue between civil servants and academics. The authors, belonging to the department or not, can express their opinions freely, provided that they respect the deontology and that they reckon with the human dignity.
Author’s responsibility
The contributions (even if they are not signed) appearing in the Bulletin are published under the responsibility of the author. The texts cannot be regarded as the official point of view of the Administration or of its Minister.
Papers and articles are published either in Dutch, French or English. All abstracts are in English.
How to consult the "Bulletin de documentation/Documentatieblad"
The "Bulletin de documentation/Documentatieblad" is available:
- online via the table of contents relating to the last years. From 2005-2015, the full articles and/or abstracts can be downloaded (see table below);
- in the Central Library of the FPS Finance and in other specialised libraries;
List of titles:
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 List of titles: Bulleting of documentation 1949-2015 (XLS, 387 KB)