As of 31 January 2024, you can no longer log into the e-services of the FPS Finance with the commercial certificates Isabel and Globalsign.
Getting access to e-services without certificate
You must log in personally and, if necessary, have the appropriate role to act on behalf of an enterprise (regardless of whether or not you have active mandates).
1. Log into on your behalf
There are several alternatives to log in:
- with a Belgian electronic identity card (eID) (or an electronic card for foreigners issued in Belgium),
- with itsme® (if you have a Belgian electronic identity card).
You do not have a Belgian eID or an electronic card for foreigners? You have the following options for logging in:
- You can log into eIDAS with your own national (i.e. non-Belgian) electronic identification means recognised at European level.
- You can register yourself by visiting a “registration office”. Make an appointment with the “Population” department of the municipalities which have a local registration office. After registration, you will receive a user name and a password in order to log in, as well as a “digital key” by e-mail, text message or mobile application.
- If you cannot physically go to Belgium, you can register yourself via an online registration module. This module is still being developed. More information will follow in the coming months.
2. Acting on behalf of an enterprise
For enterprise employees to be able to continue to act on behalf of the enterprise (other than with a certificate), the legal representative (or equivalent function) must be able to grant them specific roles acording to the Granting the roles e-service, regardless of how they log in.
Belgian electronic identity card (eID) or an electronic card for foreigners
- How to log in with the eID or the electronic card for foreigners?
- Problem with installing the software or the certificate?
- Forgotten or blocked PIN code?
- Other questions : contact us (« Questions techniques relatives aux applications informatiques » > « Accès (eID ou certificat commercial) »).
- Get started with itsme®.
- What if I have forgotten my itsme® code?
- You can log into your bank with itsme® but not into the e-services?
- Other questions: consult the website of itsme® or contact the itsme® helpdesk.
- To know if eIDAS is available in your country, get access to the login screen of Intervat, Biztax, FinProf or Finelts and click on “Log in with an electronic identification means recognized at European level”.
- What do I need to log into eIDAS (for the first time)?
- Other questions: contact the competent authority of the country concerned.
Registration offices
Other alternatives
- Alternatives are being developed. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to give you an exact deadline or answer your questions.