Attention, please make an appointment to go to any of our offices.



  • Our collection

    The Library of the Federal Public Service Finance puts at your disposal a collection of publications about public finance, taxation, economy, law (fiscal, civil, etc.), sustainable development, green economy, human resource management and other topical subjects that could be useful to Finance officials.

    The collection is composed of publications released by both national and international publishers.

    The Library also has a comprehensive collection of the Belgian Official Journal ("Belgisch Staatsblad", "Moniteur Belge") and its appendices - as from the first publication (in 1831) to the electronic publications on the Internet.  Since 2003, publications are only available in digital format.
    Parliamentary documents of the Federal Government, the Communities and Regions can be consulted in paper or digital format. 

    The collection also includes books and periodicals that are available in both paper and digital format in the reading room (e.g. books published by Larcier holding an identification code for Strada Lex, etc.).

    Visitors also have access to various online databases:

    • Belgielex
    • ComptAccount
    • FiscalNet
    • Fisconetplus
    • IBFD
    • JURA
    • Jurisquare
    • Gids der Ministeries
    • HR Magazine
    • Lex
    • LexFin
    • Strada lex
    • Tax-Calc

    The list of available periodicals can be downloaded  HERE (DOCX, 852.91 KB)  (version 01/01/2021).

  • Consultation of the collection

    The titles of the available books and periodicals, as well as a selection of articles from periodicals, can be consulted: (external link)


  • Access and loans

    The Library is open to any visitor interested.  Visitors have to operate the searches themselves. The library personnel is at their disposal to give additional information on the collections that are available.

    Only officials on active service and belonging to the Federal Public Service Finance are allowed to take out maximum three works for a period not exceeding one month. Only those books that are identified as such in the catalogue can be taken out.  Periodicals, newspapers, updates, etc. are only accessible on the spot.

    Visitors can make photocopies provided compliance with the Copyright and Related Rights Act and the code of conduct (for ICT) of September 1st 2020  drawn up by the Federal Public Service Finance, which apply to all visitors of the Library. (link sends e-mail)

  • Opening hours and closing days

    Opening hours

    Opening hours Monday till Friday: from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

    Closing days

    The library is closed on Federal Government holidays and bridging days

    The library is also closed during the annual leave between Christmas and New Year.

    The library is every first Monday (working day) of the month open from 1 p.m.

  • Library regulations

    You will find the Library regulations  HERE (PDF, 169.19 KB).

  • How to get to the Library?

    Address Library
    North Galaxy - Tower C - Ground floor
    Koning Albert-II laan 33 PO box 74
    1030 Brussels (Belgium)

    telephone :02 576 39 77 of 02 576 71 71

    E-mail :
    Visitors Entrance for external visitors :
    Koning Albert-II laan 33
    1030 Brussels

    The North Galaxy Building is situated next to the railway station Brussels North (Bruxelles Nord - Brussel Noord).
  • Place of the Library within the Federal Public Service Finance

    The Library of the Federal Public Service Finance is a directorate of the Knowledge Centre within  the Staff Department Expertise and Strategic Support.