Companies can consult monthly reports of their import and export declarations via the MyMinfin-portal if they meet one of the conditions below:
being AEO-authorised or,
meet a minimum standard of 500 import or 500 export declarations on an annual basis
The minimum standard of 500 declarations can be viewed at item line level and not at MRN number level, i.e. it is sufficient to have a total of 500 item lines and not 500 MRN numbers.
An accumulation of import and export declarations to meet this minimum standard is not allowed.
Note: This report is only set up for operators acting as consignor (export) or consignee (import). The declaration overview in the reports is therefore limited to the declarations where the operator acts as consignor or consignee (box 2 or box 8 Single Document). Declarations where companies act as service provider for their customer(s) are not taken into account.
What can I use the monthly reports of import and export declarations for?
BE Customs provides the monthly reports so that the operator can check all PLDA import and export declarations, where his EORI number was used to validate declarations, for unauthorised use. This report should only be used for its intended purpose.
With the data from the reports, each company can cross-reference with its own trade records. If they find any abnormality or error, and the declarant also confirms that something is not right, they can inform BE Customs. BE Customs will then launch an investigation to detect any VAT fraud.
Offering such reports is an additional service but not a legal obligation. In fact, a declarant himself has access to the declaration application PLDA where all data can be found in the declaration history.
What do I need to do to get the monthly reports of my import and export declarations in MyMinFin?
If your company is AEO-authorised, the monthly reports are automatically uploaded in your MyMinfin- portal.
If your company is not (yet) AEO-authorised, you need to submit a one-off request to obtain the reports.
To do so, send an e-mail to stating:
your EORI number
your VAT number
If your company meets the minimum standard of 500 import or export declarations per year, you will be able to consult the reports monthly via the MyMinfin-portal from the month following registration.
Note: the reports are only obtained via the MyMinfin-portal. It is no longer allowed to send data via e-mail due to GDPR legislation and internal data protection policy. Historical data is currently not available on the portal, the reports are generated only after request.
How should I log in to access the monthly reports of my import and export declarations in MyMinfin?
To access the PLDA reports, the company's access manager must assign his employee the appropriate role, being “FOD FIN Aanstelling Eigen Onderneming Douane en Accijnzen” (NL) / "SPF FIN Désignation Propre Entreprise Douanes & Accises" (FR) with property ”Rapporten Douane en Accijnzen” (NL) / "Rapports Douanes & Accises" (FR). If you are an access manager yourself, you should also assign yourself this role.
Here you can find information about the procedure for assigning roles and who to contact if you encounter further problems.
Employees, who are assigned the specific role “FOD FIN Aanstelling Eigen Onderneming Douane en Accijnzen” (NL) / "SPF FIN Désignation Propre Entreprise Douanes & Accises" (FR) with property ”Rapporten Douane en Accijnzen” (NL) / "Rapports Douanes & Accises" (FR), can log in via MyMinFin in the name of the company and download the reports via the "My documents" tab.
In this "My documents" tab, select “all types of documents” from the drop-down menu.
What if I cannot log in or do not see monthly reports of my import and export declarations in MyMinfin?
If you cannot select your company in MyMinfin because it is not in your list or you do not see PLDA reports in the "My documents" tab, it is possible that your company's access manager has not yet assigned you the right role in MyMinfin.
Here you can find information on the procedure for assigning roles and who to contact if you encounter further problems.
To access the PLDA reports, use the following role: “FOD FIN Aanstelling Eigen Onderneming Douane en Accijnzen” (NL) / "SPF FIN Désignation Propre Entreprise Douanes & Accises" (FR) with property ”Rapporten Douane en Accijnzen” (NL) / "Rapports Douanes & Accises" (FR).
When you are an access manager yourself, you should also assign yourself this role.
Still having problems logging in? Please contact the PLDA helpdesk.
What if my company is a service provider, but I do not see monthly reports of my import and export declarations in MyMinfin?
The reports are designed to detect unauthorised use of VAT numbers.
The PLDA report is limited to the declarations where the operator acts as consignor or consignee (box 2 or box 8 Single Document). The declarations where companies act as service provider for their customer(s) are not taken into account. Hence, your company may not meet the minimum standard to receive monthly PLDA reports.
Why is a summary dataset used for the monthly reports of import and export declarations?
BE Customs is not allowed to disclose certain data to third parties simply because of the duty of confidentiality (section 320 of the Belgian General Customs and Excise Act).
Notwithstanding, each operator can always obtain an overview of his declarations via the PLDA web application or via his declarant by consulting the declaration history in the PLDA application.
If you experience problems accessing the PLDA application, please contact the PLDA helpdesk.
Is it possible to provide retroactive monthly reports of my import and export declarations?
No. Unfortunately, it is not possible to deliver retroactive reports via the MyMinfin-portal. The reports are only generated from the month following the registration.
Historical data are currently not available on the MyMinfin-portal.
What about foreign companies and monthly reports of import and export declarations?
For foreign companies with import and/or export movements in Belgium, reports are not automatically available in MyMinfin.
However, they can submit a request for this via e-mail to stating:
their EORI number
the Belgian VAT number to which their EORI number is linked
For them too, they must meet one of the conditions below to obtain the reports via the MyMinfin-portal:
being AEO-authorised or,
meet a minimum standard of 500 import or 500 export declarations on an annual basis
What if I want to consult the monthly reports of import and export declarations of a foreign company in MyMinfin and there is no access administrator with a Belgian eID?
Here you can find information on the procedure for assigning roles and who to contact if you encounter further problems.
Only an (chief) access manager can assign roles to himself and others.
If someone else needs to be appointed as (chief) access manager, this can be done via the Social Security site.
There you will find a Step-by-Step Guide.
After this, the access manager (with Belgian eID) of the company should assign the role “FOD FIN Aanstelling Eigen Onderneming Douane en Accijnzen” (NL) / "SPF FIN Désignation Propre Entreprise Douanes & Accises" (FR) with property ”Rapporten Douane en Accijnzen” (NL) / "Rapports Douanes & Accises" (FR) to the employee(s) in MyMinfin.
If you are designated as access manager, you should also assign yourself this role to access the reports.
The employees, who are assigned this specific role, then log in via MyMinFin on behalf of the company and download the reports via the “My documents” tab.
In this “My documents" tab, select “all types of documents” from the drop-down menu.