The cadastral map or land register plan is a graphic representation on a map of all the cadastral plan parcels on the Belgian territory. You can therefore use it to visualize and locate real estate (parcels and buildings).
The General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation continually updates the cadastral map with information collected from legal or physical changes to properties. Two versions of these datasets are available:
- the dataset with the situation on January 1st (more info on the dataset "land register plan on January 1st")
- The dataset with the current situation more info on the dataset "Current situation of land register plan")
You can download the land register plan via our download portal.
This dataset consists mainly of the following information layers:
- Real estate: cadastral plan parcels (property boundaries), buildings as well as certain structures as far as the equipment and tools are concerned;
- Street names, addresses, named places
- Reconstitution perimeters as well as perimeters as regards polder and watering areas
- Administrative and cadastral limits.