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General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation

Our competences

Our name perfectly mirrors our main activity, that is to say the organization of a large documentation as regards the patrimony, including the real estate and the movable property, e.g. furniture, cars, jewels and other objects or money.

We are in charge of collecting the mortgage, registration and estate duties, organising the sales of the State properties, expropriating in the public interest and determining the cadastral income.

The Administrations

The Administration of Measurements and Valuations guarantees:

  • the measurement of plots of land and buildings;
  • the measurement of administrative borders within the framework of the updating of the cadastral ledger and the development of the geographic information sytem;
  • the updating of the cadastral ledger on the basis of the surveyors' plans;
  • the determination of the tax basis such as the cadastral income in favour of the tax authorities and the verification of the declared value as regards the registration and estate duties;
  • the verification of the construction value as regards the VAT and the value of movable properties such as interests in enterprises, works of art, etc.

The Administration of Legal Security guarantees:

  • the collection of registration and estate duties (for Wallonia and the Brussels-Capital Region) as well as the mortgage duties, the court duties and the various taxes and duties;
  • the publication as regards the real estate and the mortgages of the public officers' deeds;
  • the updating of the patrimonial documentation.

The Administration of Patrimonial Services guarantees:

  • the private purchase or the purchase by expropriation order of the real estate useful or essential for the building of infrastructures decided by the public authorities;
  • the sale of the real estate of the public authorities at their request;
  • in its capacity as "public notary", the drawing up of official deeds as regards the purchases and the sales as well as some special deeds on behalf of public enterprises;
  • the management of the real estate holding of the State, either by renting it out or by granting it as a concession or by selling it;
  • the sale of the movable property out of service from the government;
  • the sale, recycling or destruction of the seized goods.

The Administration of Information Exchange and Collection guarantees:

  • the collection and exchange of patrimonial information concerning the real estate as well as the movable property of the natural or legal persons;
  • the diffusion of this information to the public authorities as well as to the private authorities or to the citizens. It must of course be carried out in accordance with the provisions as regards the protection of data privacy.

Useful links 

  • Website Finimmoweb: sale of federal real estate
  • Website Fin Shops: sale of movable property
  • Organizational chart of the Administration Measurements and Assessments: Dutch French
  • Organizational chart of the Administration of Legal Security: Dutch French
  • Organizational chart of the Administration of Patrimonial Services: Dutch French
  • Organizational chart of the Administration of Information Exchange and Collection: Dutch French